Commit to Practicing Rest and Calm for 21 consecutive days through the Cloudwatching™ Lab

  • 4 Live Webinars

    Participate in weekly 1 hour class so showing up for your daily practice becomes easy. Weekly breathing and Cloudwatching™ practice to start off the class. Learn tips and guides to enhance your practice. Time for group sharing and support.

  • Daily Email Support

    Receive daily emails along with a digital tracking form designed to become aware of your physical and internal states. Awareness is often curative. Connect with yourself and give yourself the gift of your awarenesses.

  • 4 Guided Meditations

    Download a 1-minute guided meditation weekly for your cloudwatching practice or to be used as a standalone to return yourself to the present moment. Listen as often as needed to return to rest and calm.

Live Webinars

In addition to a weekly Cloudwatching™ practice (restorative yoga if weather doesn’t allow), each Live Webinar will provide information, science, and experiential exercises to bridge the knowledge into personal experience. The information and experiential exercises are not only for Cloudwatching but for life in general when things don’t go your way. Letty will present quick and easy tools you can easily incorporate into your every day.

Class 1. Preparing the body for relaxation. Learn the Cloudwatching™ Method. in Addition, learn an easy way to connect with your body through simple breathing and head/face massage. They are nurturing ways to come present with yourself and prepare for a restorative Cloudwatching™ practice.

Class 2. It’s all about the eyes. Devices are a part of our every day life. Learn how to use cloudwatching as a digital detox practice and create other healthy habits for your eyes in this digital world. Learn how to use breathing and vision to come into a meditative state. In addition, explore other easy ways to be outdoors in natural sunlight for greater health and well-being.

Class 3. Observing the mind. Cloudwatching™ can be a meditation practice or you can use it as a primer to deepen your meditation practice. Learn how to observe your mind and optimize your mind chatter.

Class 4. Breathing and listening. As you become adept in rest and relaxation, you are more open and receptive. The answers are within. Learn how you can tap into your inner wisdom through the Cloudwatching practice.

This 21-day Lab is for anyone who wants to develop a simple yet profound mindfulness practice for 21 days with maximum support. This lab encourages getting outside and connecting to nature in simple and practical ways. Come join us to restore your body, calm your mind, and nourish your spirit. Every aspect of the Lab is optional.

  • “Creating this practice during such a stressful time was healing and soothing for me. This experience helped me to see myself as someone who could create a daily mindfulness practice It was a positive change for my family to see me creating this too, and this allowed them to be people who could practice honoring, respecting and holding space for my practice as well. I liked feeling supported when I got a reminder, and reminders were essential to me being able to complete this each day. That aspect helped me to consider the value of accepting help from others.”

    — JL, San Francisco, California

  • “It is really important to have a habit like cloud watching to live in peace.”

    — HT, Palo Alto, California

  • "The benefit I received from cloud watching is a reconnection with Spirit. I had drifted away during the last months. My time was mostly spent with the outer world. I realized that taking time to be still and observe the sky is a great way to reconnect with my Self and my God. I gained perspective and felt gratitude for the smallest of things. I am impressed with how simple the process is and how profoundly it affected me”

    — Judy L, Hermosa Beach, California

  • "Setting aside this specific time to watch clouds gives me confidence that I can organize other parts of my life. Enjoying being in the quiet with my own thoughts. Made me feel more motivated to allow myself time to do things that I enjoy despite a hectic family/work life.”

    — Michelle T, San Jose, California

  • “Creating a practice to take time outs - I didn't know these short breaks would be so restorative mostly for my mind and soul, I'm not sure I got more energy, but I became more calm and happy. I hope you will be able to share this practice with more people. I found it SOOO helpful and I do see continuing the practice.”

    — JG, Nevada

  • “Try cloud watching for 30-60 days! Here's what happened for me. Clouding is now one of my automatic things I do to take care of myself. When I'm in the middle of whatever I'm doing, I look up and my body relaxes. It's a quick reset. Or take a few minutes to enjoy an easy meditation. You'll love how easy this practice is.”

    — Kay S., Middleville, Michigan

  • "The sky is so magical and I am pleased to have this opportunity to stop each and every day to recline and watch our great universe. I was more present, calm, and rested after only 12 minutes of cloudwatching. Cloudwatching seems to be an excellent tool to unwind and possibly even to possibly get inner guidance. Loving this!”

    — CH, Naples, Florida

  • "I realized that I really enjoyed being still for a bit and just be in the moment. Lovely watching the clouds go by. I am so used to looking at nearby objects, such as my phone, that I don't look far into the distance enough. It feels good. My mind would wander to things and the clouds would be bring me back to the present moment. Lovely feeling the sun on my body.”

    — Barbera, K, San Mateo, California

  • “The benefit I received was the awareness of the positive impact I experienced from just 5 minutes of intentionally slowing down. Cloud watching helped bring me back into balance on a number of occasions. It also helped me feel more connected to the divine.”

    — KCM, Southern California

Sign Up Now

In order to create a high quality learning experience and allow time for questions, we are limiting attendance to 10 participants. We encourage you to get on the Waitlist today!